Electrical & Electronic Engineering

- Lecturer: System Administrator
- Lecturer: Iwaluwa Henry

- Teacher: System Administrator
- Teacher: Iwaluwa Henry

- Lecturer: System Administrator
- Lecturer: Engr. L.O Funmiluyi

- Lecturer: System Administrator
- Lecturer: Opeoluwa Elisha OLUGBUYI

On completion of this module, the student should be able to identify and assemble computer units and make
them operational.

Before getting into the troubleshooting details,
it is important to know about what goes on during
the startup process. The reason is, there are actually quite a few steps that
occur in between switching the power ON and hearing the familiar Windows 95, 98 or Windows ME./XP startup sounds and seeing the
Windows desktop
- Lecturer: System Administrator

Analytic trigonometry combines the use of a coordinate system, such as the Cartesian coordinate system used in analytic geometry, with algebraic manipulation of the various trigonometry functions to obtain formulas useful for scientific and engineering applications.
- Teacher: System Administrator